Retail Pharmacy to be Open Reduced Hours on Monday, February 24 and Tuesday, February 25

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Retail Pharmacy to be Open Reduced Hours on Tuesday, February 18

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Front Desk: 662-459-7000  

Greenwood Leflore Hospital makes every effort to provide a safe and comfortable environment for our patients and their families and friends. At the hospital we do not restrict, limit or deny a patient’s visitors on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. A patient has the right to receive visitors whom he or she designates, including but not limited to, a spouse, a domestic partner (including same-sex domestic partner), another family member or friend while he or she is receiving care and treatment. The patient has the right to deny visitation to any individual or to not receive any visitors.

Support person: An individual designated by the patient to make decisions regarding who can and cannot visit the patient in the event the patient becomes incapacitated or is otherwise unable to make such decisions directly. The support person can only make decisions on behalf of the patient regarding visitors.

Visitors can be good medicine for patients. Family members and friends are welcome to visit. However, patient care is our primary concern at Greenwood Leflore Hospital, and in order to enhance the quality of care, specific visiting hours and guidelines have been established for each unit. Visiting hours and guidelines are available at the information desk on the main floor. Please follow these guidelines. If you need additional information, please check with the nurse on the unit.


Reasonable restrictions of visitors may be based upon, but not limited solely to, any of the following:

  • A court order limiting or restraining contact
  • A visitor’s behavior presenting a direct risk or threat to the patient, hospital staff, or others in the immediate environment
  • Visitor behavior that is disruptive to the functioning of the patient care unit involved
  • Reasonable limitations on the number of visitors at any one time
  • The patient’s risk of infection by the visitor
  • The visitors risk of infection by the patient
  • A patient’s need for privacy or rest
  • Any special restriction rules that apply to special patient care units
  • When the patient is undergoing care intervention.
  • When visitation would otherwise interfere with the care of the patient and /or the care of other patients

Visiting Regulations

The following are general regulations for visitors:

  • Children under age 12 may not visit patients or accompany them to appointments anywhere in the hospital.
  • Visitors should maintain a quiet environment and avoid unnecessary noise.
  • Visitors may be asked to leave the room during tests or treatments or when the doctor or nurse needs to see the patient.
  • Visitors may not smoke in patient rooms or anywhere in the hospital, or on the hospital grounds.
  • People with colds, sore throats or any contagious diseases should not visit patients.


Click here for current Visitor Guidelines