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William Armstrong, DO
Diagnostic Radiology
Interventional Radiology
Greenwood Leflore Hospital
Contact your primary care physician for a referral.
Andrew Bartlett, MD
Internal Medicine
Andrew Bartlett, MD
408 W. Market Street
Practice phone: 662-227-7040
Call 662-227-7040 to make an appointment.
Canon Beissel, MD
Delta Hills Nephrology Associates, PLLC
609 Tallahatchie Street
Practice phone: 662-453-2626
Contact your primary care physician for a referral.
Sara Bell, MD
Hospitalist Program
Greenwood Leflore Hospital
Asa Bennett, MD, FAAOS
Greenwood Orthopedic Clinic
204 Eighth Street
Practice phone: 662-453-0504
Contact your primary care physician for a referral.
Preston Boles, DPM
Greenwood Leflore Foot Center
1401 River Road, 3rd Floor East
Practice phone: 662-453-9004
Contact your primary care physician for a referral.
Corey Brown, DO
Hospitalist Program
Greenwood Leflore Hospital
Lee Coleman, MD
Coleman Eye Center
2001 Hwy 82 West
Practice phone: 662-455-4523
Call 662-455-4523 to make an appointment.
Michael Coleman, MD
Coleman Eye Center
2001 Hwy 82 West
Practice phone: 662-455-4523
Call 662-455-4523 to make an appointment.
Jay Culpepper, MD
Greenwood Orthopedic Clinic
204 Eighth Street
Practice phone: 662-453-0504
Contact your primary care physician for a referral.
F. Henry Flautt, Jr., MD
Internal Medicine
F. Henry Flautt, MD
408 W. Market Street
Practice phone: 662-227-7040
Call 662-227-7040 to make an appointment.
Roderick Givens, MD
Radiation Oncology
Cancer Center at Greenwood Leflore Hospital
1401 River Road, 1st Floor
Practice phone: 662-459-7133
Contact your primary care physician for a referral.
Richard Goldberg, DO
Greenwood Gastroenterology Center
1401 River Road, 2nd Floor
Practice phone: 662-455-8058
Contact your primary care physician for a referral.
Kenneth Hines, MD
Internal Medicine
Kenneth L. Hines, MD
408 W. Market Street
Practice phone: 662-227-7040
Call 662-227-7040 to make an appointment.
Richard Scott Johnson, MD
Emergency Medicine
Greenwood Leflore Hospital
William Jones, MD
Hospitalist Program
Greenwood Leflore Hospital
Timothy Lamb, DO
Emergency Medicine
Greenwood Leflore Hospital
John Lucas III, MD, FACS, FSVS
Dialysis Access Surgery
General Surgery
Lucas Surgical Group
1401 River Road, 4th Floor East
Practice phone: 662-453-4641
Contact your primary care physician for a referral.
Brad McCay, MD
Emergency Medicine
Greenwood Leflore Hospital
Richard Mills, MD
Emergency Medicine
Greenwood Leflore Hospital
Charles Nause, DO
Family Practice
Charles L. Nause, Jr., DO
110 East Market Street
Practice phone: 662-453-5460
Call 662-453-5460 to make an appointment.
S. Jenay Neely, DO
Hospitalist Program
Greenwood Leflore Hospital
Ravi Pande, MD
Greenwood Neurology Clinic
1401 River Road, 2nd Floor East
Practice phone: 662-459-2520
Contact your primary care physician for a referral.
John Payne, MD
Hospitalist Program
Greenwood Leflore Hospital
Michael Portner, MD
Delta Hills Nephrology Associates, PLLC
609 Tallahatchie Street
Practice phone: 662-453-2626
Contact your primary care physician for a referral.
Ed Rafique, MD
Hematology/Medical Oncology
Cancer Center of Greenwood
333 Hwy 82 West
Practice phone: 662-453-3167
Contact your primary care physician for a referral.
Sarah Rentrop, MD
Starkville Urology
1604 Leflore Avenue
Practice phone: 662-324-1097
Contact your primary care physician for a referral.
William David Wallace, MD
Diagnostic Radiology
Interventional Radiology
Greenwood Leflore Hospital
Contact your primary care physician for a referral.
Harold Wheeler, MD
Internal Medicine
Harold J. Wheeler, MD
517 Hwy 82 West
Practice phone: 662-455-6767
Call 662-455-6767 to make an appointment.