Schedule for Clinics & Retail Pharmacy in Observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

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Retail Pharmacy to be Open Reduced Hours January 13-17 & Closed Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Monday, January 20

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Front Desk: 662-459-7000  

The Delta Primary Stroke Center at Greenwood Leflore Hospital: GLH partnership with St. Dominic’s

Each year, almost 800,000 Americans suffer from strokes; 130,000 of these patients will die, making stroke one of the nation’s top fatal diseases. Because strokes affect the blood supply to the brain, they are ideally managed and treated by neurological specialists. Neurologists are highly trained physicians with special expertise in the diagnosis of such brain disorders, but they are not always available when a stroke patient arrives at the hospital. Across the country, there are only 4 neurologists for every 100,000 population, and in Mississippi those numbers are even more dramatic.

Neurologist Dr. Ravi Pande is on full-time staff at Greenwood Leflore Hospital and works closely with the Emergency Department physicians and hospitalists to treat most stroke admissions. And now, Greenwood Leflore Hospital partners with St. Dominic Hospital of Jackson to provide round-the-clock diagnostic and treatment support for stroke patients through the Delta Primary Stroke Center.

When a patient presents with a stroke, time is of the absolute essence in initiating treatment and limiting mortality and complications. St. Dominic’s offers state-of-the-art remote “telehealth” support, allowing the patient and Greenwood Leflore Hospital physicians to videoconference directly with neurologists in Jackson. These specialists will speak with the patient and collaborate with Greenwood Leflore Hospital staff in the physical examination. Diagnosis and evidenced-based practice guidelines, which have proven to effectively maximize outcomes in their wide-ranging network, will then be utilized. Advances in video technology, assessment tools and medical protocols have combined to make a real impact on the morbidity and mortality of Mississippi’s stroke victims. St. Dominic’s staff will be available to inpatients at Greenwood Leflore Hospital as well as new admissions through the Emergency Department.


Greenwood Leflore Hospital receives Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award

Medical information on strokes:

What is a stroke?
What causes a stroke?
What are the risk factors for stroke?
How do I know that I'm having a stroke?
What do I do if I'm having a stroke or with someone who may be having a stroke?
What are the treatments for stroke?