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Putting off that hip replacement that you know you need?

Greenwood Leflore Hospital’s new HANA Table technology means you’re home faster with less pain and recovery time. One of the most exciting advances in Orthopedic Surgery, this revolutionary surgical table allows skilled physicians to approach hip replacement from the front of the leg rather than the side or the back. The result is a smaller incision with less muscle involvement and blood loss, significantly reducing post-operative pain and recovery time. With the latest in surgical equipment, the expertise of orthopedic surgeons and the experienced anesthesia team at Greenwood Leflore Hospital, you’ll be back on your feet and enjoying life again in a jiffy.

The HANA Table reduces post-operative pain and recovery time for patients needing a total hip replacement.

What is the Anterior Approach?

The Anterior Approach allows the surgeon to reach the hip joint from the front of the hip as opposed to the lateral (side) or the posterior (back) approach. This way, the hip can be replaced without detachment of muscle from pelvis or femur during surgery. The surgeon can simply work through the natural interval between the muscles. The most important muscles for hip function, the gluteal muscles that attach to the pelvis and femur, are left undisturbed and, therefore, do not require a healing process with the Anterior Approach.

How is patient recovery improved?

Conventional lateral or posterior surgery typically requires strict precautions for the patient. Most patients must limit him motion for 6 to 8 weeks after surgery. They must limit flexing of the hip to no more than 60 or 90 degrees which complicates normal activities like sitting in a chair, on a toilet seat, putting on shoes or getting into a car. Simply climbing stairs may also be more difficult during recovery.

The Anterior Approach allows patients to immediately bend their hip freely and bear full weight when comfortable, resulting in a more rapid return to normal function. After surgery, patients are instructed to use their hip normally without cumbersome restrictions. In supervised therapy, patients go up and down stairs before their hospital release.

A special surgical table aids the surgeon.

A technologically advanced surgical table is used for The Anterior Approach. It works with the surgeon to minimize trauma under the skin by precise patient positioning not possible with conventional tables. For example, the patient’s leg is extended downward to allow frontal access to the hip while minimizing tissue damage. It also allows for x-ray imaging during surgery to more accurately control implant placement and leg length.

Learn more about direct anterior hip replacement at

Contact the Greenwood Orthopedic Clinic at 662.453.0504. The clinic is located at 204 8th Street in Greenwood.